The Creatives

Creative Director
Ayanna L. Kiburi
Ayanna Lalia Kiburi(She/Her),
Black, Queer, 1st generation academic, mother, wife, daughter, big sister, auntie, anti-racist, abuse survivor, life-long learner, lover of the arts and a creative soul.
Book us today!

Jeannette Eagan
Jeannette Eagan (she/her),
Jewish, Lesbian, Metaphysician, Artist, Dancer, Teacher, Activist, Aunt, Sister, Fur-Baby-Mama, and Creator.
Book us today!

Aimee Zenzele Barnes
Aimee (Ah-mee) Zenzele Barnes (She/They),
I am a Queer, Black mixed raced, woman, wife, sister, mother figure, auntie, interfaith metaphysician, avid reader, racial equity practitioner, creative, roller skater, and head staff to our cat, Buda.
Book us today!

Louis Victor Gonzalez
Louis Gonzalez (He/Him),
Proud queer Latinx first-generation Master’s in clinical school counseling Grad Student. Full-Time School Counselor and Part-time retired podcast host.
Book us today!

Tim Garcia
Tim Garcia (He/They),
Queer, Biracial, Husband, Father, Adoptee, Activist, Abuse Survivor, Blessed with Mental Health Challenges.
Book us today!

Jeff Pollard
Jeff Pollard (He/Him),
Cis Gender White Male, Husband, Father, Educator.
Book us today!

Gerrie Walker
Gerrie Walker (She/Her),
Proud Strong Black Woman, Wife, Mother, Adoptee, Retired State Worker, Ministerial Intern, Spiritual Practitioner, Spiritual Inspirationalist; and a true believer of God’s good.